‘An Interview at a Prestigious School’ is the title of Spy X Family episode 4 and it’s probably my favorite one on the show so far! It perfectly encapsulates the theme of the manga/animation series, where protagonist Loid Forger finally arrives at Eden College, for an interview with his adopted daughter Anya and fake wife Yor.

The episode grossly exaggerates the admission process of the school, which makes it a hilarious watch. Forger family pretend to be as perfect as possible, so that Anya can get into the school, and Loid can finally begin his spying mission. But will they be able to impress housemaster Henderson?

(Read Spy x Family Episode 1 Review if you have no clue what the show is about)

I love the growing dynamics between little Anya, Loid and Yor… the three have already grown mildly fond of each other and pass off as a family. The episode brilliantly parodies the kind of tests posh private schools put for candidates, along with the kind of scrutiny parents are put under. Some viewers might find the whole admission process a tad bit prolonged and tedious. It’s as if Anya is a candidate to marry the next king of some country, and not just another pre-teen trying to get into a good institute.

The episode ends with a solid cliff-hanger, and even though one can guess what’s going to happen next without having read the manga, I cannot wait to watch the next one!

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