Rating: 5 out of 5.

Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram)

The dark gothic artwork in the final issue of “Parliament of Rooks” by Abigail Jill Harding is absolutely fantastic and makes the comic-book series completely worth following. Titled “A Season in Hell,” the finale, true to its chapter title, unfolds largely in the bloodied annals of hell. Protagonist Darius Ravenscar embarks on a journey to this infernal realm to confront the antagonist Maphas and rescue his lover Seraphina. So, the primary conflict revolves around whether Ravenscar can defeat the king of Hell and rescue Seraphina, who is supposed to be a powerful ‘moon maiden’, from his clutches.

Also Read: Parliament of Rooks Issues #1 & #2 Review

Chapter 5 of “Parliament of Rooks” feels like it would fit right into Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” universe. It’s just as dark, mystical, and delves into similar themes such as death, mortality, and identity. From being an ordinary human architect, Darius is thrown into the grips of a severe existential crisis when he finds himself transformed into a grotesque creature from hell who can parley with supernatural beings.

Darius’ seemingly impossible love story with Seraphina comes full circle in this edition as readers finally learn what truly transpired in the past. There’s a surprise sub-plot which also reveals why his mother struck such a cruel bargain with the devil – to turn her own child into something infernal. The creators however shouldn’t have begun the first issue by showing Seraphina on her deathbed, as it eliminates any suspense for the rest of the tale; we’re assured that both protagonists survive until the very end. Nevertheless, “Parliament of Rooks” is essentially a dark, forbidden fantasy romance between two lovers from different worlds.

This chapter is filled with epic battle scenes that are filled with angst, pain, blood, remorse and vengeance. Abigail Jill Harding’s black-and-white artwork with the usual dash of red splattered through the pages will keep you hooked to the story until the very end.

Rating: 5 on 5. “Parliament of Rooks” is also on Kindle Unlimited.

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